Is Believing In God Religious?

Is Believing In God Religious?


The Most High God Summons Each Person To Recognise Their Wrong

God is fully righteous without having even the smallest shade of wrong in His nature.
Sovereign God is the inventor of honesty, love, holiness, patience, purity and infinitely more than that. And that is just how He built this world.

The Whole Truth About The Creator God

It isn't an idea that God simply made the decision to enact, to make things hard for you, it really is who He is. He is not able to be something else, or do anything else. Each and every one of His laws are in place to protect His holy nature and to safeguard humans.
These dynamics were built 'into' the entire universe, and built into the human race.
God will not do anything that is inconsistent with Himself. You can describe it as the 'intractable laws and regulations of the whole universe.'
Hence, the God of the Holy Bible is the Grand Builder God of the whole universe, as well as the architect of the minutest element of an electron, which is undetectable to us. The Word of God declares this of Holy God:

I am Yahweh, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols. (Isaiah 42:8) For the LORD your God is a consuming fire; He is a jealous, impassioned God demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His. (Deuteronomy 4:24)
The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. (Psalm 113:4)
To You, O Jehovah, is the greatness, and the might, and the beauty, and the victory, and the splendor, because of all in the heavens and in the earth; to You, O Jehovah, is the kingdom, and He who is lifting up Himself over all for head; (1 Chronicles 29:11)
And all the angels were standing around the throne...and they fell to their faces before the throne and worshiped God, (Revelation 7:11)
"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have such insight... (Job 38:4)
?You must know, since you were born then, And because you are so extremely old!..... (Job 38:21)
"Can you bind the chains of Pleiades or loosen the cords of Orion?..... (Job 38:31)
And the LORD said to Job: ?Many are the counselors of God, and he who rebukes God gives an answer!? Then Job answered the Lord, and said : Behold, I am of small account; What shall I answer thee? I lay my hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further... "Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? ?Or do you have an arm like God, And can you thunder with a voice like His? (Job 40:1-5, 8,9)
And Job will answer Jehovah, and he will say, I know that thou can do all things, And that no purpose of thine can be restrained. Who is this who devises doctrine by words without knowledge? Because of this you showed me that I did not understand and I have not known things that are greater than I ?Please listen, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me.? I had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee: therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.? (Job 42:1-6)
?Blessed spiritually prosperous, happy, to be admired are the poor in spirit those devoid of spiritual arrogance, those who regard themselves as insignificant, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven both now and forever. (Matthew 5:3)

Most humanity now, have only heard about God, they have not genuinely met Him.
Then why, do some people haughtily expect explanations from Sovereign God, to everything we disagree with? Naturally, the practical queries we have of the crimes against the innocent and of true justice are correct, but not to the point where we can demand that the Supreme God to offer us an explanation of His supposedly unsatisfactory management of life.

When The God Of Heaven Produces Something, It Belongs To God

Sovereign God not only is the owner of the universe, but He also is the owner of us as well, and all He wants is that which is His. His requirement is to love and serve Him in turn. It's hard to swallow, but this world is His toy, and He can formulate it however He chooses. If I or you produced it, we can lay down the rules. However, the Most High God states:

'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole strength. And these wordes which I commaunde the this daye, shalbe in thine herte' (Deuteronomy 6:5-6)

Human Beings Were Not Crafted As Androids Or Dogs But As Children

The Creator God may possibly have removed the hardship out of this world, to make this life nicer, but only by making each of us as submissive robotic machines. Except that is without a doubt not what the Creator God sought.
He wished for an individual that enjoyed the ability to choose how they lived and would voluntarily decide to be devoted to Him.
A being somewhat like Himself.

If You Provide Each Of Them With Free Choice They Might Snub You

But, the danger with assigning your produced living being their own capacity to decide how they lived, is that they may turn against you, and that is precisely what we have done.
This is a crisis, think about all those things we commit and think think and commit which are wrong, this is often known as trespassing in the Scriptures, they entirely desecrate God's order and purity, and once again, you may possibly say a violation of the Fixed Governing laws of all the universe - the ordered universe He put together. These bad things have removed us from God Most High.

'"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?' (Jeremiah 17:9)

'Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.' (Psalm 19:12)

Think about it like this sickening contrast. A new sterile swab removed from a new unopened pack to treat your bad bleeding gash, in comparison with a previously used, unsterilized swab which has been walked and sat on for one week off the patients area chairs or flooring. So how are you feeling? Woh, repugnant. But, that is only a glimmer of how the Creator God feels about our conduct that is wrong, and that also means the so-called minor stuff we did wrong and sometimes think about, that trample on God's righteousness, and goes against the immutable laws of the whole universe.
Even the things we consider minor, such as: hateful thoughts somebody, dishonesty, being unappreciative to the Creator God, not working for God and foul language, and a myriad of other things.

Any Wrongdoing Must Be Put Right And Holy God Will Settle What's Owing

Our sins are debts to God:
'And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.' (Matthew 6:12)

All these bad things desecrate the heavenly pureness, honour and rule of God. Every time we behave in such ways, it is to give God a punch in the head. In the Bible, contained in His Law, The Lord declares not to crave things that belong to others. Have you at some time, coveted to possess your friend's lifestyle, home, husband or stuff? The Lord declares not to use God's Sacred name in vain or dismissively. At any time, have you ever blasphemed His Name? The Lord declares that it is wrong to steal, have you on any occasion thieved anything ever? The Lord states that we show respect to our father and mother. Have you ever talked back to your mother or father?

God Most High has all knowledge. And, ALL bad thing has to be paid for. The day is coming when every bad thing MUST be judged, or you could say, settle an account to be at peace with the changeless laws of all the universe. Or alternatively, the Bible calls it; to conciliate the anger of the Most High God. This will astonish most, since they are generally told that Almighty God really loves every person boundlessly, that they believe that The Holy God can never be wrathful with anybody because of any bad things they have done.

Over and over I see people, ignorant of these principles, contending ?This isn't the sort of god I know? What is this extra command on sinlessness??

And I say, "Yes, God Most High does love humanity, nonetheless humans cannot get the love quality of Holy God and ignore the sinlessness quality. It definitely is unworkable. It is plainly expressed in Scripture, but people are not usually told of such things. Regretfully, in this generation people only tell the pleasant teachings, rather than the entire unlikable teaching.
Humans cannot comprehend the Eternal God by means of our earthly standards, expectations and behaviour. God Most High genuinely is ?outa this world? and He explains to us who He really is and the ways He operates in the Word of God. Expecting Him to abide by our rules, only gives us a useless hope in an idea that is not real and is going to fall apart soon.
Some people incorrectly fault Sovereign God for the calamities in life, however, it is certainly not God?s fault. He produced the whole thing flawlessly, It was Adam who botch it and we continue to screw up. They desecrate God's order and purity; the 'intractable laws and regulations of the whole universe.' Holy God could not simply come along and make everything nice for humans. The directives or course of this life that He started, needs to be concluded.
Every one of our debts of bad stuff must be paid.

But, God offered a strategy for all our evil to be paid for, to meet the spiritually legal conditions of God's intractable Law, the fixed law of the whole universe. And that awesome strategy, was the ultimate sacrifice, dying, burial and the resurrecting of His Son, Jesus Christ. And, this awesome feat was achieved in the open in front of the audience of all creation in the universe ? mankind, angels and Satan.
Jesus was the flawless sacrificial payment that can pay the price your wrong; thoughts, attitudes and ways. No other method could pay for our own wickedness.
The Bible says:

'Because all of them have sinned (done wrongs things) and are deprived of the glory of God,' (Romans 3:23)
So, merely living 'a really good' life and doing much good won't be able to protect us from the serious consequence of the bad thoughts, attitudes and ways, only the Lord Jesus can. If the only thing we do every day is to be a good person and maybe even going to church, that doesn't protect any person and won't allow for anyone to enter into heaven. That means, going away to hell, also referred to as the Lake of Fire:

'Sin pays off with death. But God's gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.' (Romans 6:23)

It is true, it is not doing good that will save humans, you need to apologise for all of the bad things you have done, and obey God. I will clarify this further later.

That is why I find that being at a funeral of one who is not a Christian troubles me deeply. Now this is also the reason my main priority in this life is informing others about who the Creator God really is. To say to those who never go to church, as well as, to others who actually do go to church but haven't yet correctly realized what it was really about. The false impression of the Creator God is not uncommon, and is mainly because the preaching they heard was not clear or it was destroyed by the misleading beliefs of present-day man, from pastors always seeking to make the Timeless, Unchangeable Great God to appear as though He is only a lovable, warm great grandfather form of god, devoid of His intense perfection and the punishments of evil stuff. That is undoubtedly a false god from their imagination.
Over and over I listen to a person questioning ?Tell me how could God be like this, Christians say He loves us?? Sure, but humans cannot discard God's shocking justice, because His Holy Bible pronounces considerably more concerning His piety and shocking justice, than His love.
It is not possible to understand the Creator God using our perspectives and our existence. God Most High really is ?out of this world? and He teaches humankind who He really is and the manner in which He operates in the Scriptures. Wishing he might adhere to human standards, just gives us a perilously erroneous perspective of the Creator God.
Now just remember, you have no means to hide it from God when you are not real. Almighty God knows our every thought you think.

But, Surrender To God And The Human Race Does Not Have To Repay Our Debt

The only way to have your trespasses pardoned and to stay clear of hell, is to acknowledge how offensive we really are in front of a Perfect God, and also to tell God that we are grieved by what we did wrong. And next to fully surrender one's being to God, and be subject to His ruling as our managing director for the remainder of our lives. Which, is the right pattern of this life in the universe He made for Himself:

'Then he said in the presence of everyone, He who wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross every day and follow me.' (Luke 9:23)

Jesus never said ?Now live as a good or kindly person, produce many good works for other people, and then you will not ever go to the lake of fire .?
Indeed, this is what Jesus Christ pronounced about being pardoned of your wickedness:

'And he said this parable against the men who relied upon themselves that they were righteous, and despised every man.
two men went to the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, the other a Publican. The Pharisee was standing alone by himself and he was praying these things: ?God, I thank you that I am not like other men: extortioners, oppressors, adulterers, and not like this Tax Collector.? I fast twice between Sabbaths. I give tithes from all that I possess.? ?But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest and saying, ?God, have mercy on me, a sinner! ?
"I tell you that this man went home more thoroughly absolved from guilt than the other; for every one who uplifts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be uplifted."' (Luke 18:9-14)

The Religious man in this parable is not involved in the so-called ?really bad' evil like killing, as we like to say, yet he was not forgiven by Holy God.
The tax collector actually did do ?really bad' sins but was pardoned by Sovereign God, for the reason that he genuinely apologised.
It is a humbling action to admit we are and have been, sinful and to give up our lives utterly to the Creator God. However, devoid of it we cannot be redeemed from our transgressions, we have to come to Sovereign God humble and incapable. Jesus said :

'And Jesus, calling to himself a little child, placed him in their midst. And said, Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.' (Matthew 18:2-3)

To Be Saved From The Lake Of Fire, Hell, Is Certainly Not By Being A Lovely Human Being

'For by such grace you have been saved through faith. This does not come from you; it is the gift of God.' (Ephesians 2:8)

So, Do You Plan To Pay Out Your Sin In Hell For Ever And Ever??

'Then he said in the presence of everyone, He who wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross every day and follow me.' (Luke 9:23)

This, ?Pick up one's cross each day? signifies, we must serve in a self-sacrificing mode daily for God.
The Bible also says:

'So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. (Romans 12:1)

'But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect.' (1Peter 3:15)

Therefore: God gets to be your owner. Permanently. And as the Bible teaches, we live for God, reading the Bible, in? prayer on a daily basis, sharing with others who God is, and serving some others when lead to. Sovereign God, becomes our cause and goal for all of our lives.

Learning more about God HERE
A True Christian of the Bible

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Why Do Religions Believe In God?


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